D&M Planning have recently submitted an application on behalf of a developer for the erection of 35 dwellings and associated work including the creation of a community garden in Cowfold within Horsham District Council.
D&M Planning have worked hard over the past three years promoting the scheme for inclusion within the Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan. It was recognised as one of the preferred sites and submitted for examination which the examiner found to be sound in 2021. Since such time, Natural England have issued a position statement relating to Water Neutrality. Working alongside a number of consultants, D&M Planning have been able to find a solution to the matter of Water Neutrality and have recently submitted the application which can be viewed under reference DC/22/1815.
If approved the development will deliver much needed market and affordable housing in a sustainable manner alongside other community benefits such as open space, an orchard, better connections and play space.