D&M Planning have successfully achieved planning permission and listed building consent for the erection of a two storey extension following demolition of an existing extension and alterations. The property, located within the countryside, is a Grade II Listed Building.
The applicant had previously sought permission and listed building consent for a similar project but this was dismissed at appeal with the Inspector concluding that the proposal would result in harm to the character of the Listed Building.
The application, submitted by D&M Planning on behalf of the client, was made following extensive pre-application discussion with the Conservation Officer at Horsham. As part of the comprehensive project from inception to granting of planning permission, D&M successfully argued that the proposed extension was of less harm than that proposed for demolition and, accordingly, would be of benefit to the character of the listed building, addressing the previous Inspector's opinion.
The application for planning permission and listed building consent was approved under delegated powers without any delays despite the Covid pandemic.