D&M Planning have successfully achieved planning permission for the change of use of an existing office in Mole Valley to provide three residential properties. The site, located within the Green Belt, consists of a purpose built office space with extensive parking.
Utilising the provisions of the General Permitted Development Order, D&M Planning were able to achieve consent for the use of the building to provide 3 two storey houses. The General Permitted Development Order includes a wide range of permissions that can be granted without consideration to the normal, and potentially restrictive, planning constraints. Doing so though is not straightforward and there are often a wide range of considerations, conditions and bureaucracy to be negotiated as part of the submissions. Sometimes things as simple as mislabeling a plan can jeopardise a scheme's permission.
D&M Planning have extensive experience in dealing with a whole host of matters under permitted development and can help assist in achieving planning permission utilising this important approach. Please feel free to get in touch should you wish to discuss your own development.