D&M Planning has successfully overturned the Council’s reasons for refusing planning permission for the erection of an extension and alterations following demolition of an existing utility room and attached garage at appeal.
The Council refused the application citing that ‘The proposal would constitute inappropriate development in the Green and Belt’ and ‘…by reason of the cumulative increase in floor area and its increase in scale and bulk would constitute a disproportionate addition over the original dwelling, in conflict with the policy relating to the extension of dwelling houses in this area…’
However, in allowing the appeal, the appointed Inspector said ‘I find that the extension and demolition of the garage would not result in a building disproportionate in size to the original building. The work would therefore not, in the terms set out in NPPF, be inappropriate development in the Green Belt’ and ‘The extension would reduce the footprint and volume of the building, as a result of the demolition of the garage, and consequently there would be no adverse effect on the openness and visual amenity of the Green Belt.’