D&M Planning has been successful in obtaining Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent for the erection of a first floor extension and internal alterations.
The proposal was previously refused by Reigate and Banstead Council, however, following a thorough review of the planning history, relevant planning policy and the submission of a detailed design and access statement the proposed development was granted Full Permission and Listed Building Consent.
The Council had previously calculated the growth in floor area as 115% over and above the original dwelling and stated that this was disproportionate. The proposal was accordingly refused for being harmful to the Green Belt by the definition. D&M Planning successfully argued that the uplift in floor area over and above the original dwelling should be calculated as 45% which the Council agreed with stating that ‘the siting to the rear within the existing footprint would not impact significantly on openness to a point that would justify refusal on this basis...it is not considered that the proposed extension would be an unacceptable addition within the Green Belt.’